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Legends Of The Lost Causes


Imagine being in a world where you were fighting zombie outlaws in the wild west. Seems far fetched? Well, authors, Brad McLelland and Louis Sylvester bring the idea to life in the first book of a new series that just hit the book shelves. It is a new middle-grade fantasy action-adventure series in the Old West, Legends Of The Lost Causes.

Legends of The Lost Causes follows a ragtag gang of orphans on their quest to find the powerful Char Stone before the sinister Bad Whiskey.

The synopsis states: “This is Keech Blackwood’s new life after Bad Whiskey Nelson descends upon the Home for Lost Causes and burns it to the ground.

With his home destroyed and his family lost, Keech will have to use the lessons he learned from Pa Abner to hunt down the powerful Char Stone. Luckily, he has the help of a ragtag team of orphans. Together, they’ll travel through treacherous forests, fight off the risen dead, and discover that they share mysterious bonds as they try to track down the legendary stone. Now, it’s a race against the clock, because if Bad Whiskey finds the stone first. . . . all is lost.

But Keech and the other orphans won’t hesitate. Because they’re more than just heroes. They’re Lost Causes.”

This book is full of action-packed adventure, full of live characters and a captivating story for all the enjoy. With each page turn, you are more intrigued on what was going to happen next. I have never read a novel so quickly like I did with this one as I just couldn’t put it down!

For this #MelandNikkiReview, we give it five Zombies out of  five for it’s intriguing characters, vivid descriptions, and unique story line. The chapters are easy to read and flows beautifully. It is full of action and we would recommend this fantasy action-adventure novel to anyone over the age of nine.  This is the first of the series and I can’t wait to read the next!

If you would like to purchase this intriguing novel, click here. You really will love this unique book series as I know I did!

Until next time…Happy Parenting!

-Momma Braga


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