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Motivated Mom on a Healthy Mission


Being a mom, we tend to forget about ourselves as we are always busy taking care of others and ensuring that everyone else is ok. So it can be difficult for us to find the time to take care of ourselves and maintain a healthy lifestyle in the process.

This is why my “Mom of the Month” goes to Michelle who is a coach with BeachBody.

Michelle is in her 30’s who juggles a lot on her plate. Michelle works full time as a retail manager, is a wife, mother to a 4 year old daughter and in her spare time is a coach for Beachbody. This Torontonian also loves to sing and to dance but admits she is not very good at either one. She also loves to workout, especially with choreographed routines.

I got a chance to catch up with this busy mom to find out more about her mission to motivate others for a healthier life.

1. What is BeachBody and what does it do?

Beachbody is the #1 home workout provider with amazing programs such as P90X, Turbo Fire, Insanity and 21 Day Fix. It offers accessible ways for everyday people to get fit, have fun and change their lives. By being a Beachbody coach, I am an extension of the company as I have used many of these programs and have seen great success. You want to lose weight but hate burpees, like me? We’ve got a program for that. Love to dance, like me? We’ve got a program for that too. You want to workout in a puddle of your own sweat while cursing at the trainer on the TV, we can offer you that. Beachbody isn’t for everyone but there is a program for every type of goal, fitness level, interest, etc. And don’t forget about shakeology. It’s like liquid gold. It packs all my nutrients in one scoop which is great for someone like me who forgets to take their vitamins.

2. When did you start your hobby business?

I finally decided to sign up to become a coach just over two months ago. I have been using their programs and products since 2008 but have never made the decision to be a coach. Under great guidance and support over the past few years from my own personal coach and others I have met along the way, I finally decided to do it.

3. What inspired you to start this venture?

It’s not about the money for me. Sure, it does not hurt, but it’s more about helping people. I love making people’s days. I do it every day at work, and wanted to inspire people the way I was inspired. I am not perfect. I don’t always eat 80% healthy, 20% not, I’m not good with meal prep and I hate burpees but….I am a compassionate, realistic working mother who is making the time to get her health together. I have always been chubby and looking back at pics from my early 20’s, I was a lot heavier than I remembered. I have yo-yo’d a lot. I lost a lot of weight with BeachBody’s Turbo Jam from 2008 to 2011 before I became pregnant with my daughter. My energy levels dropped, my nausea and appetite increased and I ate myself into a 70 pound weight gain. I made excuses after her birth and didn’t bother to take the weight off until 2013 and ever since then I’ve worked out and came into my own. I hope to share my story and reach out to those looking for help in getting on the right healthy path.

4. What do you hope to accomplish through your business?

I want to help people find their motivation, be their support and hold them accountable as it’s so difficult to do this on your own, which I’m sure is one of the reasons as to why Beachbody introduced coaches into their programs. I hope to be able to reach out to people, inspire them in some way and build new relationships and friendships. Through my personal workout groups, I have forged bonds with women who would otherwise be strangers. We support and encourage, and offer friendship, guidance and sometimes a good kick in the butt. We laugh, we cry and we sweat. I want to be able to offer that to so many people out there.

5. How do you stay motivated to get and stay fit?

There are many motivators, some better than others. Obviously family is my number one. Everything I do is for them, I want to be there for my daughter every step of the way, be with my husband until we are in the 100’s and show them all about a healthier lifestyle. Health is a huge one. Being fit keeps me out of harm’s way so to speak. Also, it is a little superficial if I’m completely honest but I want to feel good in what I wear. It’s not necessarily about looking good because I can be 15 pounds overweight but if I’m killing my workouts, eating 80/20 and feeling confident, it doesn’t bother me. I’ve always compared myself to others, and have been picked on for my weight a lot, which can be very damaging, and unfortunately that doesn’t always go away. So staying fit and feeling confident helps to fight those old demons.

6. As a busy working mom, how do you find the time and balance it all?

It is all about priorities for me. Family, work, health, faith, personal development, friendship, these are all my priorities. When something is of great importance to you, you will find the time to give it the attention it needs. I love fitness and I love social media, so I schedule my life around getting it done. I have mad respect for those who can get their behinds to a gym to do their workouts, but I would never find the motivation in that, so I pick programs and workouts that I can stick to, motivate me and inspire me to make the time. My life is all about balance now, making sure that my career and family are taken care of, and taking the time I need to take care of myself and my health.

7. For the everyday mom, what tips would you give them to help them start the path to fitness?

Honestly. First thing for me and the first step is setting a goal. An attainable goal with a specific timeline and work from there. Such as, “I want to lose 20 pounds in 6 months.” How can you get to that goal? Will it be by increasing activity, or making a dietary lifestyle change? Who can help me, support me, challenge me, hold me accountable and motivate me to stick to it? What does success look like?

I’m no expert but I know having a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Sensitive) for me, written down is a great way to start. It won’t be easy or free, but anyone can start, it just takes that first step.

8. How can people connect with you?

Twitter: @misha_57
Instagram: @coach_turbomisha


Michelle’s journey to a better and healthier lifestyle is a true inspiration. Her drive and mission to help others is amazing even with her busy schedule. This is why this mom is our “Mom of the Month” on Momma Braga.

Michelle states, “No matter how you plan to achieve your goals, just stick to it. It can be rough and discouraging but everything you do, is in the right direction.”

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please feel free to contact Michelle using one of the social media platforms mentioned above.

“I feel it’s my calling and what I’m meant to do… people”, says Michelle. I couldn’t agree more with you Michelle and I wish you continued success!

You have already motivated this momma and now I am off for a walk! 😉

Special thank you to Michelle for taking the time to contribute to this piece.

Until next time…..Happy Parenting!

– Momma Braga

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