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TinkerActive Series Brings Fun To Learning


“TinkerActive is the hands on learning that kids love. You learn all the important skills through activities that allow children to excel and grow.” – Momma Braga

About TinkerActive

With TinkerActive Workbooks, learning leaps off the page and into the real world! Each workbook covers essential math and science concepts while encouraging your child to tinker, make and engineer. All books are aligned to Common Core State Standards.


We reviewed a few books from the TinkerActive Series which were: Math Workbook Kindergarten, English Language Arts Workbook Kindergarten, and Science Workbook Kindergarten. Since Nikki is five years old, these books were great workbooks for her to try out. The one that Nikki was drawn to first was the Math one since it is her favorite subject.

It was no surprise to see Nikki emerge into the learning with glee as all three books offered different worksheets and fun exercises. Of course I can not forget the stickers and hands-on projects that was enjoyed by us all. We love how at the end of each workbook, you get a badge. Felt like a big accomplishment to get that badge so Nikki often asked if she could work on some more worksheets.

We combined these workbooks into our daily learning with our online learning through school. We felt that Nikki was grasping and learning more with the combination of both. It also truly helped me keep her entertained at home and best part is that she was learning. We haven’t completed all the workbooks yet but we are getting there! 🙂

As a parent I also loved the fact that at the end of the workbooks have the answers on the back! It came in handy a couple of times as clearly I am a little rusty on Kindergarten work. 😉

Therefore, for the TinkerActive Series we give it 5 stars out of 5! It is an unique way of learning and we love how children can learn real world skills through the exercises and hands-on projects. Each page is colorful and engaging. We couldn’t have asked for a better learning tool while we tackle online learning too.

If you would like to learn more about these series as it is available from Kindergarten to Grade 2, please click here.

Until next time…Happy Parenting!

-Momma Braga

*Please note that this series was provided by MacMillan Children’s Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are our own.

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